Bad Pennies

Writing it.

This was the second novel I published and the book where an over-arching concept manifested itself for me. The first appearance of The Scaeth Mythos and The Dead Boxes. They’re ideas that will link a lot, although not necessarily all, of my future writing.  Quite cosmic in nature. The Scaeth is a being from another dimension. The Dead Boxes are objects imbued with properties that defy our notion of reality.


Book Blurb.

Seeing a stranger die is the worst thing that Chris has ever witnessed. Picking up the dead man’s wallet is a mistake, a moment of weakness.

That’s all it takes, one impulsive act, for reality to unravel. Because pocketing the wallet is only the beginning.

Dark forces swim below the surface of the world…

They change their shape but never go away…

They find a way through…

Chris Carlisle experiences an everyday horror. A morning starts out bad and gets worse. Wrong place at the wrong time and life takes a wrong turn.

But even the blackest clouds have silver linings. He gets a little slice of luck to balance out the horror. Just goes to show, bad often comes bundled with good.

Sometimes, they bleed into each other until you can’t tell them apart.

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